Welcome to the
wonderful world of Square
Dancing. We are glad you
could join us.
seems too trite to say
"Welcome to the wonderful
world of Square Dancing" and
"Congratulations on joining
us" - sounds boastful. But I
can think of no better way
than to say "Welcome and
The coming weeks will
pass rapidly, as you will
see, because of the busy FUN
we will be enjoying. There
will be nights of slight
confusion during your weekly
sessions here, and if not,
you will be an exception.
However, the many other
nights of joyous laughter
with your newly found
friends and neighbors will
more than compensate. You
will find FUN beyond
expression, genuine-honest
laughter, and a real sense
of accomplishment and deep
personal satisfaction.
Those who may object
to friendly association with
people; who believe "if at
first you don't succeed,
skip it"; or who insist on
excelling always at any
cost, will not stay around
long enough to become Square
We will all be
making mistakes from time to
time, and the 'goofs' are
part of the FUN. Yes, some
have more FUN than others -
- - but it all comes out
even in the end. The
person with two left feet
will find the other foot and
will dance as well as the
rest by the time we
graduate. Remember one
important rule, do not laugh
AT anyone's goof, let them
laugh first, then laugh with them.
You will learn the
rhythm and balance of Square
Dancing, and at the same
time learn to listen and
respond to the caller.
"LISTEN" is a key word. If
you miss what the caller
said, you will be in left
field with seven other
people in the square looking
at you. Hence, an important
rule for new and veteran
dancers alike is, "LISTEN".
Consideration for
others is very important in
Square Dancing. Avoid any
act, word or condition which
might offend your fellow
dancers. You will be
happier and more popular for
The rewards for
staying with, for listening
and for being tolerant are
greater than you realize
now. By this time next
year, you will have made
dozens of new and wonderful
friends. You will have been
to festivals, jamborees,
many FUN dances and
after-parties. You will be
a member of one or more
Square Dance Clubs. You
will have acquired a bright
new outlook on life and a
colorful new wardrobe.
Physically, mentally,
socially - just about any
way you think of it, you
will have profited.
Living Next Door to
Jerry Stone
Copyright © Star Steppers
Square Dance Club 2011
Gary McClure,
What is a Square Dancer?
A Square Dancer is a person who
knows his left from his right, but
occasionally forgets it.
A Square Dancer is someone who has
learned to do as he is told (by the
caller), but doesn't always do it.
He is fanatical in his search for a
good time, traveling miles in all
kinds of weather, going places he
would never go otherwise, spending
all night on his feet which were
killing him at work, and smiling
happily all the time.
A Square Dancer speaks a language
all his own. He calls his partner
his taw, his honey, his date,
darling or pretty little thing, and
he promenades, sashays, weaves,
circulates, dances, circles around
the ring, circle or set.
He learns his dancing thru and thru:
right and left thru, pass thru, turn
thru, step thru, barge thru - and he
must be agile enough to do such
unlikely things as box the gnat,
shoot the star, slip the clutch,
pickup up a girl or shuck the corn.
If this description fits you, do not
worry. Although it is practically
incurable, this disease is not at
all harmful, and most square dancers
have a strong desire to infect other
members of the community.
Classes start October 3, so come
on out and join the fun!
BEVERAGES AT DANCES? Alcohol inhibits our ability to
listen and perform. Alcohol reduces
our reaction time making us a poorer
dancer. In addition, square dancing
is a wholesome, family-oriented
Clubs are needed to organize dances
and establish a means to enjoy the
fellowship of square dancing. To
survive, they need an active
membership where everyone helps.
Volunteer; don’t wait to be asked.
In square dancing we want everyone
to have fun, so without winners and
losers this can be accomplished.
We all make mistakes ourselves.
Everyone is trying – Encourage them!
Badges enable us to be on a first
name basis, which furthers friendly
New dancers are the lifeblood of our
activity. Only with their enthusiasm
and ideas can square dancing
continue to flourish. |